woodcut print detail from a wooden board printed grey that show lines 
which appear as natural landscape forms

1. Organic material pattern

Black and white simplified letterforms in regular order. 
 The letters and the spaces between them have equal weight

Elemental sign system

Closeup of folds at the bottom of a draped textile item, that shows a knitted black and white wood grain pattern

Organics intertwine elements

Woodcut titled GIRL consisting of many clear white lines on black, 
condensing to the likeness of a portrait

2. Lines appear as images

Sequence of 3 stages in the extraction of border lines of a wood surface pattern, 
full colour top, thin lines bottom

Extraction of geometry

The folded wool drapery seen complete, mounted on a curtain track on the wall, 
showing the substance, pattern, context

Wrap up in real 3D

Three wooden letter types covered with black paint standing on the floor 
and leaning against each other, V, R, Z.

3. Objects appear complex

In one large empty room, a geometric grid drawing fill the wall, daylight coming in 
from an unseen window right

Geometry of process

The unfolded wool drapery on the track, flat on the wall, almost filling image, 
some furniture on the edges

Introduction in habitat



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